Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Stigma Of The Transgender Community - 848 Words

As the title of the article states, this report discusses the stigma towards the Transgender community and the results of intervention. Through out the article stigma, within our society, of transgender individuals is the main topic with emphasis on the effectiveness of intervention style approach to reduce prejudice overall. Transgender (TG) individuals experience widespread prejudice and discrimination and are at greater risk for associated adverse mental health outcomes relative to their gender-conforming peers (Institutes of Medicine, 2011). The title of the article does not indicate the discussion of mental illness as a result of this prejudice, however it is present in the article. So the title does not completely identify the topics discussed. However, the information provided is revenant to the topic of transgender stigma. In my opinion, the mental illness section within the article has been over-emphasized due to the unlikely need to compare both the stigma of mental illnes s and the stigma of the transgender community. I understand the need for the comparison of both stigmas; In relationship to mental illness, Mann and Himelein (2008) suggest that these limitations of education may be tied to the negative effects of labeling and/or adopting a disease-centered approach to understanding psychopathology. Pathologizing gender variation through its inclusion in DSM-5 is controversial among many professional (De Cuypere, Knudson, Bockting, 2010) and advocacy (VanceShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Minority Stress On Mental Health Within The Transgender Community Essay1340 Words   |  6 Pagescorrelates with mental health within the transgender community. 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